About Culture Workshops (Eng)
Culture Workshop Program
We are preparing a super culture workshop program that you can look forward to experiencing.
The program will include the following blocks of cultural workshops, and it will be published during the spring.
Morning block
09.25-10.45: Monday-Friday: Morning cultural workshops
(Themes coming up)
Afternoon blocks
15.00-16.10: Monday & Wednesday:
(Themes coming up)
14.00-16.45: Thursday:
(Themes coming up)
Morning Assemblies
We start every day with a morning assembly from 08.30-09.10, which the folk high school teachers and students are responsible for holding.
The purpose is to create a joint dynamic start to the day, where teachers and students, through presentations and participant contributions, contribute to putting the main goal of Nordic Salsa Camp 2025 and this year’s theme into perspective: Lets Enjoy The moment!
There is ample room for playing with form and content. But overall, the morning assemblies must contain the following three classic college morning assembly elements:
A song
A perspective contribution in relation to this year’s theme: “Lets Enjoy The Moment”
Word of the day/reflection.
Responsible for the morning assemblies is:
08.30-09.10 / Monday: Course management
08.30-09.10 / Tuesday-Friday: Students and teachers
09.00-10.30 / Saturday: Course management